Sunday, May 20, 2012

2012 BOWMAN....Hobby VS. Retail

If you read my last post, you will find my thoughts on a recent hobby box break of 2012 Bowman Baseball.  I paid $74 for the hobby box, and thought it was a decent box.  Tonight I will be breaking (4) Retail 3-packs (Ten cards), each containing 3 bonus parallels, and one Blaster--the cost for these just under $60.

I will be posting the highlights of the Retail break in pictures.  I am anxious to see what I can pull from retail for $60 in comparison to what I pulled from Hobby ($74).

As far as odds per pack go, retail is a tougher adventure as far as pulling higher end product, but one will tend to end up with more base for their money, and will tend to have more to rip---in exchange for smaller odds.  While Hobby costs more, it doesn't always guarantee success in comparison to retail.  I discovered this last year when I bought a case of Gypsy Blasters.  For around $400 dollars I had this case in my hands.  $400 of Hobby would have gotten me roughly 2.5 boxes worth (10 hits....jersey heavy!).  After busting through the blasters, I had a stack of Minis, 2 Relics (of that, one Jackie Robinson Bat), 5 autos (Chapman, Ortiz, Soto, and a Gypsy Auto were the highlights), and had completed 95% of a master set.  Not bad, considering the stuff I was seeing pulled from the Hobby Boxes. I proceeded picked up some hanger packs at Target and pulled a Gypsy Queen Jewel Relic---I was literally destroying the odds.  I later discovered on, that roughly, only 2500 Hobby cases were produced, which leads me to believe that Retail was absolutely loaded!!??

Now I'm off to see what I can pull from these Retail Bowman packs----mojo or not---It will make a fun talking point in comparing the two!!!

Check out the Blog tomorrow night for the update, along with a little love for a recent BlogTv room I visited.  I earned a nice little mail day for $24.  More on that tomorrow, where I will have info pertaining to my mailday video on Youtube later this week + more NPN to share!!!

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